Devost Design was born in 1994 out of the strong desire of a single parent to be available for her school-age children. At the time, I had no big dreams of entrepreneurship, I just wanted my life to feel sane.
Now, 30 years later, it turns out to have been one of my best decisions. The kids are grown and having families of their own, and I'm still loving the creative work and especially the enduring relationships with the clients that this business has brought my way.
Over the years, I have worked with companies from more industries than I can count—publishing, telecom, food ingredients, custom closets, massage therapy, chemical companies, hair salons, even an opera company in Vermont—and the list continues to grow.
I have collaborated with some clients for decades, others for just a short time. No matter the duration, I am grateful for the opportunity to support their success. While I truly enjoy creating effective, appealing graphics for my clients, it’s the relationships that I’ve built with them over the years that nourish me the most.  
In addition to the fulfillment I get from my work, I am also passionate about the environment. Over the years I have purposefully changed my habits to reduce energy usage and waste. I run my business the same way.
I'd love to talk with you about your next creative project. What can we create together?
Angelique Devost
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